Originally Posted by outlaw.99
It would work a bit but then start freezing or not opening things like the camera due to memory... Even some of the 6.1 roms still hang this thing up ( and I have two I test on, so its just not a bad one)...Its really sad....
As I said before Mighty 4 and my current SSK are the only ones that run decent but neither are still supported...Even the nice roms with the facebook contact tab will freeze in a heartbeat... The memory on these is just bad engineering and HTC should not have let VZW order this "cheaper" model...
Ok, one more idea. Did you do the Flashdance or just jump right to the ROM? Memory issues due to VZW shenanigans I understand but the freezing makes me wonder if the flash was bad. If you didn't Dance then that might be worth a try (flash Stock ROM then back to SKI ROM).
You are playing with one hand tied behind your back but I know ahuskins has happy VZW users so it may be worth another go.
EDIT: OK, I lied, thought of another thing

How did you unpack the ROM? ahuskins recommends using 7zip since that's how he packed it. Yes, there are other programs that support the file type but SOME users have had issue when not using 7zip. Admittedly it's a bit of a stretch but just thought I'd mention it.