Originally Posted by outlaw.99
Thx on the info winmonewbie, but I had to take the rom off... Kept having memory issues that plague this gimped version....I was really loving the Sense 2.1 look... I had even turned the PP to 8 to see if it would run...
Originally Posted by outlaw.99
Yes... It looks fantastic... I love the 2.1, but my pos wont run it... heh
Yeah, you Verizon users got it rough.
Just curious-even with a "light" ROM like SKI 2.1, VZW has you so gimped that you still can get memory issues. Did the ROM not run AT ALL or only did you run into issues when you started running programs like Opera?
If so Opera being the mem hog that it is may have been the issue vs the ROM/VZW gimping. A browser like Skyfire is much more mem friendly.