Originally Posted by Formula84
I stopped using Naong's version a long time ago. I never could not get the changer to work properly would crash all the time after loading it up with different theme's. Decided to keep it clean and Use Mtstmp's version and have not looked back.
You could try this, install the Naong version, install the Vostrodomus Tool from xda, use the backup menu bar feature locate the backup file and use for your EXT using just Mtstmp's version.
Good idea. Will try.
Since you are in the Query mood
- My SPB layout involves one page dedicated to nothing by contact shortcuts. When I 'restore settings' (or try to flash my layout), the shortcuts show up, but they are pointed to random people in my contacts list.
I don't know if this is related to the fact that my contacts are on my exchange server, so possibly any unique ID changes each time I re-flash/sync?
Any idea how to make my backups keep that specific contact info?