Originally Posted by integra144
I noticed that 154.70mb is available for storage while only 47.23 is available for programs. After a hard reset my device still has only 21.32mb free. I have two questions. One is there a way to make storage less and more memory for program as I store everything on a sd card anyway. Also is my free space of 21.36mb low compared to others even after a hard reset?
This is what everyone wants, but unfortunately no one can make this happen. It does seem like a reasonable and simple thing but it's a no go.
There is some discussion about this here...
The best that we can do is keep a close eye on whats installed and make sure you have a decent task manager that you use.
You might look here for some RAM managment apps
If you are running an OEM ROM, I would say that your RAM is probably right on par after a reset.