how to keep it locked when making a BT call?
When my Imagio (stock Verizon ROM) is locked, and a call comes in, it stays locked. This is great because I can answer it with my car's BlueTooth unit and never take the phone out of my pocket and no buttons get accidentally pressed. But, if I initiate a call from the car's BT unit, the phone app comes up and during the call the screen is responsive to presses even though it was locked (although it does go back to the locked state *after* the call is over). This is no good because I've had stuff changed accidentally by my jacket's contact with the screen while it's in a pocket during a BT call.
Does anyone have any idea how to keep it in the locked (screen unresponsive) state when initiating calls by BT? If not, is there any other forum I can ask this on, which (even if it's for a slightly different WM phone) might have a solution?
Last edited by mlevin77; 06-05-2010 at 05:53 AM.