I just got my diamond last week, im in ireland and the phone is unlocked - when i say unlocked it can be used on any network.
I have omarket on the phone and have figure out how to install cab files through my pc to my phone too.
I'm running windows mobile 6.1 at the minute, can i upgrade to 6.5?
(have been finding conflicting answers to this)
I've changed the boot screen/splash screen and music using a cab file from the touch pro threads.
My boyfriend is using touch pro with windows 6.5 and i really like it. We use pretty much the same apps etc
How do you take screen shot on your phone? ISs there an app for that?
So basically can i upgrade the phone from 6.1 to 6.5? And if so how do i go about doing this.
Please dont reply saying "use search" because i already have, ive laso searched google and not having much look