Originally Posted by themuffinman
Yeah, as much as I love winmo, microsoft really f'd up on this one. They had so many years to come up with new innovative ideas but they sat on their asses being lazy since they were the only big players in the mobile market for a while. The iphone came out and it was lacking so many things but it worked perfect for the average person that didn't know jack about a pda, as a matter of fact the iphone is kinda like the "pda for dummies", again though it did what it was suppose to do with not that much hastle or even a learning curve. And with android being open source, how can you lose? The possibilities are endless. I hope microsoft hits a homerun with winmo7 but I am starting to believe that it may be a little too late for them but who knows, they got deep pockets so anything is possible. We will see
Its funny you say the iphone is a pda for dummies. This is what I was telling a friend that said winmo sucked compared to iphone. We're not saying that the people who own a iphone are dumb, but it really doesnt take any know how or knowledge to use an iphone. It's just an ipod with a phone app.
Anyway, I've been using winmo for over 10yrs and I agree with the title of this thread. If feels like winmo is dying. I never thought I would switch to an android phone, let alone a phone with no hardware keyboard. I also came off my Sero plan. It's crazy what a really awesome phone will do. I switched OS, dropped my mandatory need for a hardware keyboard and changed my monthly plan. If only HTC was able to release some snapdragon winmo phones a year earlier.