Trying To Get A Ringtone From Android To WinMo
theres a Chris Tucker ringtone from rush hour where he says somethinng like "ill never hit a woman... but ill smack the s**t out of a b**ch" or something to that effect. its in the androids ringtone app but i cant find it on myxer funformobile or any other ringtone sites
so since ive only been able to find it on android i want to bluetooth it from the G1 or Moment to my touch pro 2 aqnd then bluetooth it to the iphone
but for some reason i cant find out how to bluetooth from the g1 or moment to winmo. Now i can do this with my winmo phone but not android??
is there any kind of way to get the ringtone from android and email it or picture message it to my phone? help me out please
or if anyone has android can they upload the ringtone for me?