Like a lot of folks, I have an unbelievable amount of ringers that I have accumulated over the years. Some I've created, some I have scoured the corners of the web to find. I figure that it's about time that I quit leeching off of everybody else's hard work and make a real contribution to this great site. I will be post new ones when I can.
Standard disclaimer: I realize they are just ringtones, but I will not be responsible for any mishaps w/your device as a result of these ringers.
BTW- I will apologize ahead of time for any duplicate posts. I have only briefly looked through the ringers here, and I'm not sure what's already posted.
First, I posted a few in this thread (post #17).......
Here is the first batch:
(These are WAV files that I use for notification sounds)
Note: If you are not can google wav files, sounds, clips, etc. and it will bring up a load of sites that have .wavs that can be used notifications
Clock tick- 24
Something out there & it Ain't no man-Billy-Predator
Are you not Entertained?- Gladiator
Strength & Honor- Gladiator
Bang Bang- Kill Bill
Beaker- Muppets
Do It (3 versions)- Starsky & Hutch
Godzilla Roar-Godzilla
Holy Cow- Harey Carey
My Peppy- Multiplicity
Skin that smoke wagon- Tombstone
Strong am I w/the Force- Yoda
Tasty Burger- Pulp Fiction
Circle is complete- Darth Vader
I've been waiting for you- Darth Vader
Transform sound- Transformers