Originally Posted by beggehorn
So one day I noticed this "groovy.mp3" file on the root of my storage card. I played it and found it was a song from the band "White Lion" (huh?). At first I thought maybe a family member had played a prank when playing with my phone until my brother asked me about a similar file he found on his TP2. His was a different song... We both erased the files and a little while ago I noticed a new "groovy.mp3" file which this time was a "Postal Service" song.
My suspicion is that this is either a bug or programmer prank. Anyone else find a file like this? I would have to guess that it must be from one of the music programs I run. I have (or have had) Groovefish, Nanogroove, Midomi, Slacker Radio and Kinoma Free Play.
you better run and hide the men in black are after you lol. sorry could not resist that.