Anyone else find a strange "groovy.mp3" file on their storage card??
So one day I noticed this "groovy.mp3" file on the root of my storage card. I played it and found it was a song from the band "White Lion" (huh?). At first I thought maybe a family member had played a prank when playing with my phone until my brother asked me about a similar file he found on his TP2. His was a different song... We both erased the files and a little while ago I noticed a new "groovy.mp3" file which this time was a "Postal Service" song.
My suspicion is that this is either a bug or programmer prank. Anyone else find a file like this? I would have to guess that it must be from one of the music programs I run. I have (or have had) Groovefish, Nanogroove, Midomi, Slacker Radio and Kinoma Free Play.