Re: ok, id like like to keep this completely opinion based...
I think it is. I am in New York, no 4G until later this year, but I want this phone NOW. I am also updating from my SERO plan. SERO will go to my gf.
Reason that I want EVO now and don't care about $10 is that I just about ****ing had it with Touch Pro 2 and WinMo in general. After supporting WinMo, the TP2 is the final straw.
I am tired of newton's rings
I am tired of phone just turning off on it's own
I want to have apps (don't start with me that WinMo has tens of thousands apps. I do not want to run around distant corners of the internet gathering apps that do, basically, nothing)
I want to be able to watch videos from SD card without horrible pixelation due to lack of video drivers
I can go on and on, but TP2, new or old, still suffers from poor touch screen and horrible operating system. So for me, Evo is well worth the early switch.