Re: Latest Verizon Smart Phones
We are currently running two systems through the phone the Siemens Plant covers over 1 mil. sq. ft. and the JCI system covers another 750 thous sq. ft. Our Phones receive messages from the systems that are customizable we can basically know anything that is going on or just the emergency things.What automation are you running? It's really quite simple if your generator's and Central Plants are DDC. We simply go out and grab the OCC point's bundle them under one point and bring them back to the head end. Then it's as simple as pulling up either system and navigating to the front page and hitting a shed button. Then the system Say's go to the oc. mode and everything in the plant goes dormant all the air handling equip.stops running the load backs down to nothing whether it be in the cooling mode or the heating mode then the plant basically goes off line because there is no load. We are currently tying in all of the lighting too. I go to work with one thing in mind and that is how can I save my District money through automation and I have all kinds of things I do to slow that meter from spinning off of it's axis!! That is what I enjoy. Am I a Geek????? Maybe a techno geek....