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Old 05-15-2010, 04:47 AM
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Re: ~ SuperRom_S_14 ~ 5-15-10 ~WM6.5 2.1~w/Silence Kit~LIGHTEST ROM W/MANILA EVER UPD

Originally Posted by pimpol10 View Post
Sorry but I don't use the Sliding sound it's useless to me...just takes up space.

you need a custom taskbar. look in the first few post you will find the one that I use on my tp2 call ninjadesire

You won't be going back lol. had an issue with dialing 800 numbers?? try it without the 1 in the front or with see if it works. Did you install the Sprint Prov cab??? For right no I'm sticking to this sys build, maybe in the future, but no promises. I know Google Maps and Office is outdated..I'm already happy with the current versions....theres cabs to update them I believe...maybe in the next release I'll updated it.

Guys make sure you look in the first few post for the it's sick!

I'm so glad you guys are loving my rom. Enjoy and please get the word out on my rom, as to how fast it is. That all I ask of you guys for my hard work. Thanks again ENJOY!
the problem with trying to update programs that are cooked in, is that you usually can't delete the old version therefore you end up with 2 versions and wasted space. you should be able to find the updated versions and add them pretty easy.

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