Re: [ROM] [3-29] NxP "Freedom" 23549/21897 Sense 2.5 2012 **Psyki Core**
Busy doesnt even BEGIN to cover it.... You know... cooking isnt that hard once you get the hang. Its kitchen maintainence that taks ALL the time. That and "state of mod-world" research. In either case FINALLY did the update. Running 21903 with minor things to clean up before the release. No major complaints for the last update... thats cool. oh well... have i done a re-loaded, dont think so... so just watch the first post.
PS.. Im in OH on my way back to NY... using the test versoin now but wont getthe chance to clean it up until i get home.
PPS The new bing has voice navigation =)
Yes... I AM The Original NextPimp Aka NameJacked by AngelaJ Im over it ... not like you youngsta's would remember.