Well after 24 hours of playing with this rom, there is only 1 real bug that is pissing me off. I installed the HTC X-Button, because i like my programs to close as soon as i hit the X. For some reason, when it is installed, when u exit out of certain apps, it crashes the phone with a "An unhandled error has occurered in the shell. Attempting to restart the shell."
GRRRR, everthing else seems to be working flawless for me. And the phone is atleast 25% faster then the shipped rom. Any information or help would be much appreciated. Im still horsing with this rom non-stop.
EDIT: Maybe because the rom already comes with HTC Task manager i am getting this problem. If this is the case, how do i make it so that my programs actually close when i tap the X without the HTC-X Button installed? Is this even possible?
Last edited by deck; 02-02-2008 at 06:44 PM.