Not really! 360 got rapped within a couple months of release.......I never pay for 360 games and can still play them online! I've been looking out for the day I can not pay for PS3 games but that day hasn't came yet.....and its been about 5 years now, maybe 4! The most I have seen them do on the PS3 was get it to play back-up PS2 games but other than that......NOTHING! Other OS was garbage anyway.....who REALLY used it?!
By the time the PS3 is intruded Playstation 4 will be out....or right down the street!
But best believe any phone that goes on sale is gonna be hacked.....within the first 2 weeks! I think a russian team already put Windows Phone 7 on an don't even worry about the EVO!
And 1 phone Sprint released that hasn't been invaded yet.......I dare you?!