Originally Posted by Timberwolf671
Now I have the questions.
1. What info do you give Boost for ESN and MEID number?
2. And after you give that info, why don't they say that's not a Boost phone.
3. Since they CDMA & IDEN, what towers does your phone use.
They use sprint towers for the cdma side and nextel(iden) for the walkie talkie side. you give them the esn or meid from your phone as usual, and they may or may not ask what type of phone it is, if they do you just tell them its a k1m or c290. they actually dont use 1 phone on both sides, they have the iden phones on the iden side (all start with I such as I856 or i776) and they have a few phones like the samsung rant and juno, a sanyo mirro, and a blackberry on the cdma side. But to start an account, you must first use a boost branded mobile phone, then after a day or two, you call back tell them you want to switch your phone and give them the info from your smart phone. Sometimes the first 1 or2 people MAY give you a hard time so you may have to call back till you get someone who will just do it without asking a bunch of questions, but as i said before, you never tell them its a sprint phone. you cannot bring verizon or any other cdma phones though, it must be a sprint phone, because the imei or meid must be in the sprint system. Heres a thread from hofo that will explain alot more :