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Old 05-14-2010, 01:11 PM
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Re: Using the Phone as the primary internet source

Originally Posted by MordyT View Post
I was wondering why you didn't just get home internet.
I understand why.

I live in the boonies with no access to dsl, cable, or any other conventional high speed internet option.
I have a few choices.
1. Dial up (which would require a home phone and a dial up account): Yuck
aprox cost: ~$15 for dial up access + ~$30 for landline ~ $30 data package on my VZW phone
Total = $75

2. Community Wide Wifi: 1mbps
$60 per month + $30 data package on my VZW phone
Total = $90

3. Hughes Net (or other Sattelite based: 700 kbps
$75 per month + $30 data package on my VZW phone
Total = $105

4. VZW Unlimited Data Package (via ICS or Wifi sharing): up to 1.5 MBPS in my area
$30 per month
Total = 45 dollars less than the next cheapest option.

So Option number 4 is the one I pick.
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