Been reading a lot about the speed of Manila 2.5 on 6.1 vs 6.5, but haven't really seen any numbers. So, I decided to do a comparison of the two. Before we get to the results, here are some details....
1. Methodology
Used Calkulin's VK with welrope's SYS files to build my ROMs (Thanks to all the members who have contributed so much help, advice and time, and who have been so generous with their contributions)
ROMs were Sprint ROMs, with the latest Sprint drivers and Chainfire's D3D drivers.
Used 21057 for the 6.1 ROM and 23563 for the 6.5 ROM (in my earlier testing, I found the 23563 ROM to be very fast, and had good memory management, so stuck with this one).
Tried to keep the two ROMs as close in build as possible (if anyone is interested, I can upload my .erv files for the two builds).
After flashing the new ROM, I used Sashimi to customize the phone with all my programs and settings.
Let everything run for 2 days to burn the ROM in and make sure there were no major issues with either ROM.
I then timed how long it took for the following programs to start up:
a) ThumbCal, add new Task screen
b) Google maps, display traffic
c) Bing, main page
d) CoPilot, add destination menu
All that being said, I make no claims as to the scientific accuracy or validity of these results
Take them for what they are, and please feel free to add your own results/comments/suggestions.
2. Results
(Note: All times are in seconds, smaller numbers are better)
ThumbCal.............4............. 3
Google maps.........6..............6
So there you have it folks. 6.1
is faster, albeit by only a little bit. I plan to add numbers for 6.5 to this table as well, when I have a little more free time.