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Old 05-14-2010, 09:40 AM
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Re: Will you move from a TP2 to an EVO even if you have to Pay for Premium Plan?

Originally Posted by CoryNat View Post
I think this is different. There is no "Android" data plan. There is no "Pre" data plan. There is just the everything plan. I just got my plan (not SERO) 14 months ago. It has unlimited data. Sprint claims you need the EP for the data. I have the data. The TP2 and the Android/Palm phones do not use data differently. $35 more a month just so I can get a new smartphone? Crazy.

Obviously, Sprint can do what they want. However, what is the difference in my scenario and if Sprint were to come along and raise the EP $15 to cover 4G costs and you could not get a new phone without agreeing to a new higher priced plan, even though you have the current EP and don't care about 4G? How would you see it then? Data plans are just jumping up again, right?

I do agree that Sprint is still going to be cheaper, but not by a whole lot anymore and not if you look at what folks need. I don't need 1500 shared minutes. 500 or 750 would be plenty. Different price point.
i agree that i don't like sprint having only 3 everything plans. i just dropped mine to the 1500min though, and we use between 1000-1200 anytime minutes even with mobile to mobile, so it fits me.
if you don't care about 4g, don't get a 4g phone, there are still other phones coming out this year that won't be 4g, though I don't know that the specs will match the evo. maybe the 10.00 won't last, i hope it doesn't, but there is a price to pay for being the first of something.
it's funny what people will pay these days. my boss just bought an iphone 3gs 32gb, out of contract, though he was eligible for renewal in june.
have you looked at virgin mobile. apparently any sprint phone is going to work, but the phones won't be subsidized, and the plans are cheap prepaid, like cricket prices.

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