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Old 05-14-2010, 04:32 AM
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Re: Will you move from a TP2 to an EVO even if you have to Pay for Premium Plan?

Originally Posted by CoryNat View Post
Not sure I agree with this train of thought. If that is the case, Sprint should be able to raise your rate every time you are eligible for a new phone if you are not paying the current going rate. That is not how phone contracts have worked historically.

I take issue with Sprint for forcing the issue under false pretenses. If there was some component missing from the plan that the new phone required, I can understand it. However, if you have unlimited everything already, for them to tell you the phone requires a new plan based on the data plan is untrue. They should just come out and say we want to get all you folks with good deals off your plan and onto a more expensive plan and we are going to do that by refusing you any decent phones down the road. At least it would be honest.
this is exactly how it has worked historically. remember when the blackberries required a RIM data plan? how about the first iphone data plan? or all the way back when phones started to use some serious data and data plans jumped up to match. they realize where the money is. they are not requiring you to buy a phone with a data plan. there are still feature phones that qualify for sero.
go price other carriers, you will find sprint still cheaper for most people. hell at&t charges a 30.00/month family texting plan.

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