Originally Posted by radar369
I remember that thread......now I'm not gonna argue with you like in the other thread.....or say that you're wrong either!
This is similar to that situation though! If your phone didn't support picturemail you were straight and didn't have to worry (basically like now.....I have a Touch Pro 2 and it doesn't support 4G)!
Now if I wanna get the EVO (which I will) than you need to get the $10 add-on (Because the EVO is the only phone to use it now)!
So basically your choices are 1) Get the phone and pay the extra $10 or 2) Don't get the phone and don't pay the extra $10!
I feel for people on family plans that wanna get this phone for all their lines or @ least 2 of'em............but for people on a single line.....WOW!
family plans are getting destroyed by these sep plans. these are probably the customers affected the most. they have to end up getting seperate plans or something like that if only one person has an sep phone.