Originally Posted by jamal33
Originally Posted by Biofall
Honestly dude, I screw around with my phone all the time, and I saw huge improvement over the TP1's battery life, both idle and active. It seems like the TP1 just got worn out.. But I installed the no push, and it made my battery life pretty dang good, and considering it's a smartphone, you have to realize that at the most you have a good full day of using it, then you put it on the charger. It's just how it is. So I'd download the no push and roll with it, you should be fine.
Thanks guys for the fast response,
My brother has TP2, and he seems to have no problem with the battery life. I was just curious as to whether there are cabs out there just like TP does. I saw from the link that a couple of the cabs, mainly the battery polling ones are the same as TP. So I guess I can reuse some of the cabs.