Originally Posted by antjones21
The N1 is no longer coming out on Sprint or any CDMA network.
I have the Hero and I'll be upgrading, the Hero is nice but it's slow yea yea the 2.1 upgrade will make it better but who knows when that'll actually come out. Also I've been wanting a bigger screen for the longest time so the EVO is right up my alley. As far as selling my Hero, yea that'll never happen, you can get one brand new for $99.99 so no one in their right mind is gonna buy a used one for more than that. I'll just trade it into Sprint for the $75 credit.
Ya I wrote that before I heard they denied the N1 (
) but I was too lazy to amend that fact since I'd love an N1, the EVO is just too big.
I'd REALLY love a TP2 with Android (and snapdragon). It could be 4G too but mainly I want a snapdragon, android phone with a keyboard. now THAT I'll go for