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Old 05-13-2010, 03:26 PM
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Re: Incredible tips and tricks

Originally Posted by NCX Designs View Post
Except, theres one thing wrong with that report.

Verizon signed an exclusive deal with Skype to be exclusive to them until a certain time, thats why it no longer works for other platforms.

another thing is, if Apple keeps going in the direction they are with governing the app store, there going to lose alot of potential apps and developers. Android has so many apps because its an "open market" so to speak, since the operating system is based on open source, there really is no moderation for the marketplace, but that could change, and if it does, lets just hope Google doesn't go the path Apple has.

Apple is also in trouble for there policies on the app store with the ITC and the Department of Justice. Adobe brought this on them for the Flash controversy thats going on. HTC is suing Apple, and Google is expected to do the same to countersue on there lawsuit against the Android OS.

Windows Phone 7 is dying an early death it seems with all the developers that are jumping ship to develop for Android, and HTC might not be keen to make as many phones for the platform as they are with Android, i mean, why else pay that royalty there paying Microsoft just to continue making Android phones? I kinda liked the operating system when it was first shown off but now with all the new info we have about it and the fact its going to be an extremely locked down OS (*cough* iphone *cough*) that just made my decision to jump ship to Android even easier, and I'm glad i did with all the new apps coming out and support Android is getting, we can pretty much say bye bye Windows Mobile if 7 doesn't fair well when it comes out. But of course Microsoft is already talking about a new OS that will be for PC / Phone / Console all tied into one with a seamless experience. If they were going to do that, why didn't they do that when they re-launched the Xbox 360 dashboard to a new version, NXE, and integrate it somehow with Windows 7 and Windows Mobile 7 to both.

Answer, Money!

Money, Money, Money! Its the same reason why Skype is only for Verizon now. (yeah, you just read the answer to my post after a long perhaps exaggerated spiel) lol
Everything turns on $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ these days.
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