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Old 05-12-2010, 09:58 PM
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Re: getting fed up (rant, but maybe someone can help?)

Originally Posted by nrfitchett4 View Post
sounds like you need an iphone, instead of phone that requires some tweaking to optimize.
it just works, which seems to be what you need right now. also, try taking your phone out of your pocket, you'll probably just break the screen keeping it in there.
another vote for the iphone since it has a glass screen instead of plastic.
Seriously, I don't mind tweaking. But I feel like the amount of tweaking to get my phone to usable level has become craaaazy.

My phone stays in my purse most of the time, it's got a special slot, but somehow it butt-dials anyway (or purse-dials? it dials randomly, even when it's not in my purse, pocket, or whatever, I always seem to be on some screen or other without pressing anything, it even sometimes randomly changes my time zone).

hah, my comment about the iPhone is kinda sarcastic. First, I can't stand ATT, will NEVER give them another dime (not to mention that where I live service is beyond horrible), and I can't stand iTunes and will never install it on my pc. I do appreciate the glass screen comment, though, the screen on the tp2 isn't all that. And while iPhone may work out of the box, there are things that don't work quite right and it's not so easy to tweak at all. I just want a solution somewhere in-between: something that works well enough OTC, but that I can tweak a bit to get it to work just as I like it.

I suppose it's a love/hate relationship. When it's all put together, it's great, but the getting there has become too cumbersome.

Oh, and I couldn't do my music/gps/phone/evernote/calendar scenario on an iphone, and that's what made me love the tp2 to begin with.
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