Re: What phones will you be swtich to from the TP2?
im a tech junkie with 4 active lines,all mine... im gonna grab an EVO specs to much to ignore... but the TP2 will stay my number 1 phone.... atleast till the bulk of EVO customizations are out...then ill spend some time tweakin it out and it may replace my TP2 as my main phone,but too early to tell...
im not excited about android really, i like WinMO, but i think win phone 7 looks terrible and isnt even worth its Hype so far... i think after win phone 7 flops like most of their OS' do... winMO will fade into the backround for good.... MS has had chance and chance again to impress its end users and they usually fail to do so, so andorid is kind of the next evolutionary step really if you wanna stay on top...
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"