Originally Posted by timdawgdentist
Downloaded files.....still feel to scared even after reading every page of this forum...
Maybe I need to cut back on the highgrade......cause I would love to do this but not without step by step instructions...and its cool that you feel that we newbs all have to earn our stripes (agreed to a point) but something as serious as this... All I have to say is some people need to leave the snobbery and geek cred to rest. The reason I joined this board was so I could learn not be condescended to by people hiding behind a "handle" (cb slang) and a keyboard. Not that I feel that I have been directly posted to in this way. Just a feeling I had after going through this forum....
"volcano rip" cough cough cough
Seriously help a newb out post step by step
Tim Dawg
If someone would like to post step by step instructions, I would be more than happy to put it on the first page. It seems that vogue users are less familiar with ROM flashing than titan users.