SOD hardware issue maybe?
Okay boys and girls it's about that time of the TP2s lifecycle where hardware issues may start to rear their ugly heads. After reading countless numbers of posts across various forums is it all coincidence that all of these people are having SOD issues?
Idk but I'm starting to this this is a hardware issue. People including myself whether using custom roms or stock I get the SOD or my screen takes forever to return from sleep after pressing the power button. If this is a hardware issue (TP keyboards anyone??) maybe someone should let Sprint/Carrier or HTC know.
Or I could be bugging out who knows.
We crossed paths, a mixture of karma and luck
I walked in strong, mentally palming my nuts
I got em swarming and stuck, she calm in the cut
You know me? I can spot a Swan from a Duck
My approach? Smoother than an Armani tux