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Old 05-12-2010, 09:52 AM
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Re: [ Kitchen ] [ 5-7-10 ] RSToyGuy's TMO.US DIY 3.13 / EVK 2.02 Kitchens

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
I just was wondering if you tweaked something that could cause this, that's all. No insult intended I can see how much work you've put in your roms and kitchens and i really do appreciate it, I'm just frustrated at myself for not getting it to work, and it looks like it's probably something on my end if it works for everyone else.
I don't recall if there was something with xp or what... I got 2.13 this morning finally and am reverse-engineering that. I will in the meantime install EVK fresh and verify that it's working on my machine for ya. In the meantime you might check out ervius's kitchen thread and see what's there. I'll have a new kitchen up later in the day as well.

edit: forgot the link:
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