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Old 05-12-2010, 04:45 AM
kevinpwhite's Avatar
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WM 6.5 Custom Taskbar

I would appreciate some help please !

I am running WM6.5 on a Toshiba TG01 and am trying unsuccessfully to be able to edit the shellres.192.dll file to amend the Start Button icon among others.

The recognised standard Taskbar replacements from TS Owen and GFreek install absolutely fine.

I have used the standard process of:
- Extract file off the device using ROMExtractor
- Unsign
- Edit; eg. Including replacing one or more icons with ones to identical sizing as originals
- Resign (using latest 2010 certificate files)
- Make sure SDCerts is installed on the device
- Replace to device via uSD card using Resco or Total Commander (I've tried both)
- Soft reset

I have also extracted the .dll from both GFreek's and TSOwen's Taskbars using WinCE CAB Manager and tried both editing and inserting as above or simply placing direct onto the device without opening. None of the above work; the end result is always that the device ends up booting after the SR to unuseable state without Start icon and usually no top bar icons at all.

I have also tried as an experiment the following:
- Hard reset and boot
- Extract base shellres.192.dll from ROM
- Lift to PC; unsign, re-sign and reinsert
- Re-insert totally untouched

Result - failure

And finally, the most basic process....
- Hard reset and boot
- Extract base shellres.192.dll from ROM
- Re-insert totally untouched

Result - once again total failure.

This suggests that there is something really fundamental I am missing in the whole process.....

Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated