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Old 05-11-2010, 09:46 PM
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Originally Posted by antjones21
I love how everytime new news comes out about the phone or the new plans, more and more people say this or that is deal breaker. I hope it is cuz that will just make it easier for me to get one. But in reality I still think people are going to get the phone even though they are complaining about every little detail, so why even complain when you know damn well you are still gonna get the phone once it's released.
soooo true.. there's no way that would keep me away.. unless the phone had a big apple on it.. lol. iphone killer for sure. Sprint/HTC/Google have done exceptional on the specs, design, and marketing. these leaks can't be on accident.. Sprint is teasing us.. I love it. can't wait!
reap, sow, and give thanks - words to live by.
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