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Old 05-11-2010, 09:03 PM
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Re: [ROM] MyCleanImagio-21874/235XX - May/3rd/10th [Build 1.9]

Originally Posted by rolandroland View Post
Came in for another look and I love 1.9 however after getting used to the oversized menu on the bottom from 235xx I can't go back. I'll check back again once you make the jump.

In the mean time here are some bugs I ran across in 1.9a Verizon Light:
-Can't send picture from album, doesn't attach the image
-When trying to send pic from creating a new pic message the browsing is incredibly slow and freezes up the phone. Practically speaking it just doesn't work.
About 1.9a Verizon Light:
1-) the Album is opening Tmail (email client), but is missing the parameter to create a new MMS message with the picture attached... (should not be too hard to fix... thank you very much for pointing that out, now its on my "tests" checklist!)

[Edit] Open Tmail, Menu, Options, unmark Display account picker when open Messaging....close options, soft-reset.
Now test... go to Album, select the picture....while on fullscreen mode,tap, select the 2nd icon right to left... select Message for example... then Tmail will open up... select Picture Message... two seconds to copy/resize the picture...voyla!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So if I understood correctly, not a bug anymore! Just a setting!

2)- I'm not sure if I'm doing the same procedure as you do trying to replicate the freeze...but I dont see any slowdown to browse fact did not took me 5 seconds to send a picture... tried a couple options creating a picture message, through manila tab, manually opening tmail (which will open arcsoft after...), no lag or freeze at all working as expected... (please refer to the post #737)(Is the pictures and videos software pointing to \Windows when you load it?)(how many files you have inside the folder you were trying to load the picture?)

So for the first one... noted, and thank you very much...will work on that... the second one.. if you can please post a step by step that would be great..., that would be the first "freeze" reported yay!!! lol, I do believe it's something on your setup, I can help to track it down....(are you sure its the build 21874?)

Thank you very much for taking the time! About the 235xx, I "kinda" like the graphics, start menu at the bottom, etc... but I'm not planning at this point to spend too much time on it... it's buggy, on every release of the beta build's something gets fixed and something gets broken, you work really hard to get it working, just to do it all over again on a different a task manager that is not as good as the 218xx, a few options out there, some users report they work fine, but they are the cause of most problems....anyway... it's beta... I chose 21874 cause it's "freaking" stable , so it would be just a matter of working out the software we added to the rom. (I hate to flash and flash my working phone, that's why I have two imagios, my work/day by day phone is running 1.9 21874 cht161 since march 2nd... it's fast, does everything I like plus a lot that I don't even need, so far no freeze at all, for my taste its the Imagio as it supposed to be specially now with opera 9.7... you just reported the first bug!)
[Carrier: T-Mobile] [Phone: XV6975 (HTC Imagio)] [ROM: MyCleanImagio]
[WM Build: 21874] [Radio: 2.25.00WVL]


Last edited by adortab; 05-11-2010 at 11:33 PM. Reason: reference to the post #737, correct settings
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