Have you actually unlocked your phone yet?
Ahhh yes, it's actually
always been there since when he used to have 9.7 as the default browser, just that opera 9.7 and 10 store their information in different locations so we haven't actually seen it in a while.
This is not a blog, this is a forum or a Bulletin Board if you'd rather.
Now, would you please stop trolling this
thread or at least get better at it so it would bring me more entertainment. I see you doing nothing but crying about how riptide isn't helping you and what a big meanie he is. It must be love at first sight and he's nervous around you or something, because he's always nice and helpful to everyone else.
Yes, you are absolutely right with what you
meant to say. This is a thread dedicated to NRG ROMs, not your feelings, now get over it and grow a sac or go back to yer mommies womb.
There's always PM too.
You're a great member of this thread Riptide, I just want to make sure you know that. That being said, I trust you'll be the bigger man here and help us back back on track with punching ROMs and ignoring whiners that don't want to learn how to fish. :P
Here is a final bit of learning for anyone in this thread that doesn't like the vast majority of another users posts.
You can just ignore them!!! If just seeing their name makes you angry, just click on their user name, click on the
user lists drop down box and select
add to ignore list. Ta Da! All better, never have to see said persons name again...
Just to be clear, I'm not at all suggesting we all ignore itster. I'm not going to ignore him. Just showing more tools to make ones life easier and more peaceful while fishing.