Originally Posted by Jaydoggy
That sux about your .cab program, you truly are a talented person when it comes to making clocks and themes for the Touch pro 2. If you ever get it working or find another program I have a few more requests for you. Your droid with no background would look awesome in midnight blue. Have a good one bro.
Here's the best i could do, I got cab making back up, i just had to do a little virus sweeping lol
been having monitor issues with colors and contrast so my color choices aren't as easy as they used to be.
I can pick one shade of green or blue and it comes out a completely different color, so i don't know if my profiles are screwed up on windows or if its just the computer monitor, my monitor has contrast issues thats for sure.
I'll be buying an LED monitor soon when i get the funds to buy it, hopefully within the next few weeks i should have enough.