Originally Posted by PAPutzback
I did have some issues installing this. After the rom update went thru and the phone had rebooted I could see a small strip of orange across the top, then the black background with the slide lock. Nothing I did gave me access to the slide lock so I rebooted.
After the reboot the orange strip was gone but I could still not access the slide-lock. I finally figured out that I had to swipe through the clock area and the layout was backwards, i.e. I had to slide left and the slide lock moved right. Once I got that figured out I was able to tap the screen. then when I was calibrating the screen would occasionally go white, then show multiple cross hairs. I kept tapping and finally got it thru. Now I am installing home-screen customizer so I can get my weather on the homepage.
I also did not need to install the ringer update. Or is that an issue I'll run into when I change something.
I would recommend doing a hard reset of your phone sir (hold red button and restart phone), I had the lock screen thing happen to me but after a hard reset everything went smooth. And home screen customizer should not be needed anymore to remove blank line at the bottom of the screen. The ringer update is needed by most people, but hey if your calls make noise without it cool but i would install it.