Originally Posted by NighthawkIX
What are the chances you think Sprint will give me a good deal if I upgraded my current fair and flex 550 (3 lines) to a SE family plan?
3 lines on FF550 is $79.99/mo
Currently I have these discounts:
-22% off monthly
Unlimited Sprint Vision Data on 1 line
500 texts for 1$/mo on 1 line
Comes out to $68~ every month after taxes
You will still keep your 22% discount, even if you change plans. I'm assuming your discount is through your work, or something like that. I have 3 lines on the $130 Everything Data plan, and while I have a 25% discount, my total cost, after taxes/fees, is $130. I have insurance on all 3 phones, so that is an additional $21, on top of the $130.