Originally Posted by josh90265
Android sucks for battery life on my TP!  Anything that can be done about that?
Try reading some of the posts in the thread or searching the thread for "battery life" before posting. Regardless, I'll save you the time right now:
Battery life is bad with Android on our Winmo-native HTC devices. It's even worse when you compare our CDMA TPs to the GSM versions. People are working on it but apparently there is a fraction of one person working on the CDMA variety (the value of said fraction: unknown...hopefully close to one). That means that developments for our phones come out later and with less consistency than GSM.
-> Maybe being able to load just into Android from boot? Not sure if this can be done.
This has nothing to do with battery life but it also can't be done yet. Besides the fact that the OS port is unfinished and buggy, it relies on Winmo to initialize some (all?) of the drivers for the phone to work. Booting from NAND requires that the drivers be entirely correctly written for proper initialization and usage. We just aren't there yet.
The options right now are to:
a) test it out, decide that you can't live without your GPS, camera and lag and go back to Wimmo
b) use it regularly and install the DualBoot program to autoboot from your SDcard.