Re: GPS with voice recog
At this time, there is no GPS voice guidance "turn by turn" software that will allow us WM/Diamond users to input an address with voice recognition. Nonetheless, I'm sure you're aware that Android has Google Maps Navigation beta, and it does allow for voice input. That said, there are a couple of caveats with Gmaps Navigation beta. It's not a stand alone GPS app for voice input, as it needs a data connection with Google in order to search for the location. Plus, if you miss a turn and go off route, a data connection is needed to correct your course. On the bright side, it appears that Google will release it's voice input nav software for the iPhone at some point in the future. In turn, it should hopefully make it's way to WP7 as well. On the not so bright side, it may never be ported to WM6.x.., due to upcoming release of WP7. Guess we can hope though, and maybe Bing will step up and add it to it's feature set at some point.
Best to all,