Originally Posted by chrisloveskaos
is it odd that mine where from a very old 3.2 meg olympus camedia c-740 and they look same as our 8 meg
not really, considering his were obviously cropped or de-res'd to fit more easily on the site.
his pics were 383px × 640px
yours were 800px × 600px
the site (or the pic host you used) probably automatically resized them
also, a purpose built camera with a high quality lens will probably take better pictures than an integrated phone camera
third, yours almost certainly has optical zoom, whereas the camera on the inc is digital zoom only, and (if he used it) it decreases the effective megapixels drastically.
and finally, in the camera settings inside the inc, you have the option to reduce the resolution to 8m, 5m, 3m, 1m, and 640x384... useful if you want to save space on your memory card... 4mp is good enough for an 8x10 anyway, anything over that is just bragging rights.
*inhales* mmk