Originally Posted by siptang1227
Ah ha, got it.
Checking around with the options a bit.
In your honest opinion, what do you think is the better rom in between 23547 build (ur choice) and 21903?
any noticeable speed difference in two, or anything better or worth mentioning besides finger friendly UI?
Also android nearly killed my phone lol, 2.1 with sense loaded but killed my battery in nearly 5 mins and didn't give me any radio or data xp... will try to figure it all out later lol.
thanks for all the fun buddy,
I guess 23903 is a little faster but 23547 has great battery life and is more friendly. Its a toss up, its all in user preference. Do you like the start at the top or the bottom. Do you like to be able to move the shortcuts or not?
For Android did you take your sim card out? You have too in order for data to work.