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Old 05-10-2010, 04:38 PM
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Re: New plan changes for EVO 4G???

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg View Post
Again, the PPC-6700 did not have pic mail. The community used a hack (porting over Arcsoft from the Verizon version) but that was not available for a while after its release. And Sprint ended up killing that anyway. So if Sprint forced you to pay for it (which they did) then you were paying more, and not even getting what they were charging you for.
correct the 6700 didn't have pic mail built in but with the $5 you were given a pic mail account where people who sent you pics were stored there as well as you being able to send pics from that site also. Also if you had the 6700 it still sent you a text with a direct link to the picmail. Sprint may have messed up for forcing that plan on that phone but that was not the only evdo phone out while it was the only evdo phone not capable of pic mail.
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