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Old 05-10-2010, 03:56 PM
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Re: New plan changes for EVO 4G???

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
this is quoted from your own thread. Some people might have given you the run around but it was not a requirement and it didn't cost more.

"I have a grandfathered vision plan and I have concluded that the "The 2nd rep told me that I would have "unlimited Power Vision" but that it would be equivalent to the lowest plan so it meant I had only access to a limited number of channels. But for internet access, it would remain the same."
is correct. I still have unlimited vision, unlimited SMS and it works just fine. Every rep will tell you something different to try to scam you into buying a pricey plan. Stick with what you have."

I can't remember that far back but if I am not mistaken I think my plan stayed the same when I got my two 6700's but increased when I bought my two moguls, I think.

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