Originally Posted by cmajewsk
Hey Kliptik, any ideas why Informal Roman is pretty much one of the few fonts that doesn't cut off the information in the weather area on the Home Screen? Informal Roman seems to move the city down a line and right justifies the actual weather conditions using two lines instead of one. If you look at the other fonts, most of cut off the information with an ellipsis... and only use one line, even though they could fit it is they used two lines or right justified the text.

you know i was trying to figure that out myself. im pretty sure its in the manila files (which i have no experience editing). i might try and see if someone can look at the mainla files and see what causes that. the trouble is that with so many ppl running somany variations of Sense, theres no way to make a broad fix manila file.ill see what i can come up with this afternoon.