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Old 02-01-2008, 02:38 PM
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Questions on the 3.16 Upgrade

So I've dutifully read thru all 870 messages. I think I could survive the
upgrade, tho I'm still unclear on how to get back. I have the file on a
512 SD, ready to plug in. But I'm hesitating. (Sprint Mogul user)

1. I don't understand the lack of EVDO roaming. I want to be able to
connect EVDO in a number of locations around the country. Is it just
Verizon towers? Can I tell where these are? A big potential knockout.

2. I want to be able to listen to MP3s on the USB spigot on airline trips.
Sounds like that doesn't work. Rated as bad.

3. The long boot time is a problem since I've found my phone sometimes
crashes on incoming calls. It's bad enough just to reboot. Painful.

4. Tethering with USB modem works now; I'd thought of doing the registry
hack so I could use the Sprint supplied Internet Sharing which is less of
a hassle to set up than USB modem. I get the notion this isnt' working
correctly. Knockout.

5. I had a couple of aviation GPS programs (anywhere map and pocket
plates) that required shutting off the WM 6 "External GPS" server to get
a connect. I'm worried that I won't be able to connect to these as they
seem kinda fussy. Messy.

6. Sounds like GPS is just alright... there can't be much of a gps antenna
in that phone package, so I'm not surprised it's not as good as a freedom,
for example. Oh well, if you don't have the freeedom, it doesn't work at
all. I always have the phone.

Any comments on this list? The postitives seem good but the knockouts
worrry me. And, I do think U all have signed up to be the beta testers!!
Bill H.