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Old 05-09-2010, 09:50 AM
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Gone to the Incredible

Well buys, after using Windows Mobile since the days of the XV6600, I have finally grown up and moved on the a much better platform, Andriod. I have grown weary of the slowness of Windows Mobile and the antiquated OS and decided to move on, which is hard for me to do since I have invested a ton of money on WindowsMobile applications but the Driod Icredible lives up to it's name. I have had it just over a week and it truely lives up to it's name. Still waiting for Slingbox, which will be out this summer, but I've been able to download much the same apps I used on WindowsMobile for the Droid and most of them were FREE from the Market (App Store).

I do miss the hardware keyboard some and the tilting screen, but the phone is AWESOME!

I see a lot of familiar names in the Incredible forum too, made up of former TP2 users, so I'm not alone in the switch.

Hope to see you guys over there soon!

By-the-way, Wideawake, the website owner, has an Incredible also.
"There are 10 types of people in this world. Those who understand binary and those who don't."

Verizon Droid Incredible => Touch Pro 2 => XV6800 => XV6700 => XV6600
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