Originally Posted by TMartin
Still looking but one thing I noticed is you are builing in SIP -Swype & SIP Extras - Swype.....If you only want Swype then check SIP - Swype & uncheck EzInput in 6.5.x, if you want both check EzInput, uncheck SIP - Swype and check SIP Extras - Swype.
I don't think this is a module/kitchen issue. I think it may be an 'environment' issue on my PC.
I did a couple of more tests in both the Calk kitchen and I downloaded Steveo's Kitchen and tried to build a 'default' setup without changing anything.
Platformrebuilder crashes with a popup saying that platformrebuilder.exe has asked to terminate in an unusual way. I suspect maybesomething with the visual C redistribution....
Any known/likely causes?