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Old 05-09-2010, 01:43 AM
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Re: ░░░░ ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

Originally Posted by amcq10 View Post
For both you guys, this is what I know about the HTC GSensor...
(btw, I don't know how to write short Posts.. so, please accept my long-winded-ness)

The applications which are "allowed" to Rotate are configured at the following location in the Registry:


(And if you don't have it already, get CeRegistryEditor, it makes Browsing/Updating/etc the Registry much better than trying to do it in-phone.)

There are two keys under this location which each have to be datafilled for the AutoRotate to function for each application.

Example, for Opera Mini 5, I have:
Name: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HTC\HTCSENSOR\GSensor\ModuleName:Opera Mini 5 beta
Value: \Program Files\Opera Mini 5\OperaMini5-WM-armv4i.exe

Name: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HTC\HTCSENSOR\GSensor\WhiteList:Opera Mini 5 beta
Value: NativeOperaMini-Main
Once these two keys are in place, reboot phone, Opera Mini 5 will rotate to landscape, without having to have the keyboard popped out.

In order to "disable" this feature for any given App, just find the two keys for that app, delete them, reboot phone and it will no longer rotate.

Now, for the sharing of info part.. here's what I have in my ModuleName and WhiteList section of my registry.

NOTE: Replace the double \\ with single \ when adding to your registry..
"Google Maps"="\\Program Files\\GoogleMaps\\GoogleMaps.exe"
"Opera10"="\\Program Files\\Opera Mobile 10\\Opera10-armv4i.exe"
"AstrawareSolitaire"="\\Program Files\\Astraware\\Solitaire\\AstrawareSolitaire.exe"
"Astraware Solitaire"="\\Program Files\\Astraware\\Solitaire\\AstrawareSolitaire.exe"
"Opera Mini 5 beta"="\\Program Files\\Opera Mini 5\\OperaMini5-WM-armv4i.exe"
"Glympse"="\\Program Files\\Glympse\\Glympse.exe"
"WeatherBug"="\\Program Files\\WeatherBug Mobile\\WeatherBug.exe"
"Total Commander/CE"="\\Storage Card\\Program Files\\Total Commander\\cecmd.exe"
"UC Browser"="\\Program Files\\UCWEB\\UCWEB.exe"
"Skyfire"="\\Program Files\\Skyfire\\Skyfire.exe"
"Opera Mobile 10"="\\Program Files\\Opera Mobile 10\\Opera10-armv4i.exe"
"OperaTachi"="\\Application Data\\Opera9.exe"
"Google Maps"="GoogleMapsMobile"
"Astraware Solitaire"="AstrawareSolitaire"
"Opera Mini 5 beta"="NativeOperaMini-Main"
"Total Commander/CE"="CECMD"
"UC Browser"="afxUcweb"
"Opera Mobile 10"="OM10-ML-MainWndClass"
I've Tried to weed out the "default" items which already show up on this list for everyone...

Finally, since I don't know how to get the text needed for the "WhiteList", I use BSBTweaks to add the needed AutoRotate info to the Registry.

Once it is in there, I add the following to my Sashimi "regexport.ini" file so that any Rotate Config that I have now can be backed up and restored after a ROM update. Here's what's in my "regexport.ini" file for Sashimi.

Informative. Thanked and added to the FAQ.
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Originally Posted by CozBoogie View Post
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Originally Posted by flyers2114 View Post
MordyT is right.
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