Originally Posted by djp952
Initial load of 1.4 seems OK here. Scared to try my djp952 taskbar, but I'll do some module comparisons and see how that will go. lol - can't go back to defaults, spent too much time making those icons!
Is there any way to get press-and-hold of the "X" button on the bottom to close an application again, or was this a feature of Showcase? If so, do you foresee any issues with installing Showcase on top of 1.4?
edit: nvm on the "X" button question, I found the Showcase 6.5.x thread at XDA and it is a feature of that application. Problem = solved. I'll let you know if installing it causes any ill effects.
Actually, since he's using the HTC Task Manager again you can configure it to close an application when pressing the "X" like on the OEM ROMS.
Just press the small digital clock in the upper right corner, then click on the wrench, then the button tab. Just select "End programs by tapping "X" and OK.